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National Health Service: 2 Overwhelming Insights From Customer Experience Analysis

Sep 2018 –Nov 2018

Category Analysis  National Health Service

Region-Birmingham, UK 

Government expenditure on the health service stood at about £144.3bn at 2016-17 rates. In terms of spend per capita this equates to around £2,273. The share of GDP spent on the National Health Service in the United Kingdom is forecasted to be 7% by 2020/21. In this report, we bring deep insights into the National Health Service covering the top adoption drivers, emerging trends, customer beliefs much more interesting aspects.

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The analysis is based on customer reviews and conversations online in the segment. The analysis results presented are completely unbiased and not based on any subjective judgement. The source data used for the analysis are user conversations available publicly online like public forums and social media.



Total Number of Conversation

 Executive Summary –  Key Takeaways



2 Overwhelming Insights From Customer Experience Analysis


National Health Service provides healthcare for all UK citizens based on their need for healthcare and not full on their ability to pay for it.

Through a detailed analysis of 1,998 online consumer conversations, Clootrack has listed down the top 2 perception drivers.

Perception is an awareness or an understanding of a particular thing. Consumer perception plays a vital role in the consumer behavior thereby affecting the demand for a product. Hence it becomes key to understand the attitude that influences consumer behavior.

In this report we have presented the relationship between different perception drivers in the form of a graph that can be used to sense the degree of importance that consumers attach to various factors.

1. Quality of medical assistance

The UK’s National Health Service is set up to offer medical treatment to all residents including doctor’s appointment all the way up to an emergency surgery. People who use the NHS would prefer to have excellent service that delivers exceptional results. It would be great when they integrate health and social care team. The medical assistance starts from the managers who assists the users and hence they prefer to have an efficient manager to assist them while using their health care facilities.

Users of NHS are expecting latest and innovative equipment to be used in the health care units so that they get the best of the latest technology. Finally, there is a lot of stress on having best nursing staff who can cater to the patients and treat them with empathy. 

2. Ambulatory care 

Ambulatory care is the medical services offered to an outpatient without having to get admitted to a hospital. The latest trend in health care is to have same-day surgeries and services. It is important to have excellent nurses, doctors, surgeons, physical therapists and medical lab techs. The requirement of ambulatory care is to offer excellent service and to have the best caring consultants. Natural empathy conveys that they are listening to the patient’s concerns and thereby is an important factor for the user to approach an ambulatory care unit.

Excellent patient experience is becoming a top priority of modern medicine. Better amenities such as clean rooms, caring nurses, excellent doctors, are the factors that most patients want to experience when they visit an ambulatory care unit.


Brand Equity


Consumer perception comes out of knowledge and experience, towards a product or a service, which in turn, builds brand equity. The perception that a consumer holds towards a brand directly results in either positive or negative effects.

Brand equity is an indicator of the company’s strength and performance, specifically in the public markets.

Download the detailed report for free to get to know the brand names in the below chart. The detailed report also covers positive opinions, negative opinions, and user beliefs.




Consumer Beliefs  

A product or a service must reflect customer beliefs. When it comes to convincing consumers, the secret is to understand the consumer's beliefs and behavior.  This will eventually lead you to know what a buyer wants from your business.  Customer has a deep understanding of what they want from a product.

Support and empathy towards patients, clinician-patient communication, the leadership of the care team, are some of the important factors for the success of NHS.  

1. Behavior of staff plays an important role in a patient’s well being


Patients believe that hospital nurse and other staff have an important role to play in improving the health of patients. Nurses are responsible for assessing patients’ needs and diagnosing illnesses. Patients largely focus on the relational aspects of their care and remember how they felt cared for by staff. Patients want kind and compassionate care from the hospital staff.  

2. Patient looks for empathy when going through a surgical procedure

Patients seek empathy from hospital nurses and doctors, and this has been recognized largely by medical educators. Patients feel that is a powerful communication method to help build patient trust. It will calm anxiety and improve health outcomes. Research has shown that empathy and compassion will bring about better acceptance of medications and increased patient satisfaction.

Detailed Report

NHS occupies a unique place for the people of UK. There have been discussions on how to maintain its current form, and what people of UK are expecting from their service. Clootrack analyzed user conversations, and has put together a detailed report. The report offers insights into the factors that NHS users expect, their beliefs, positive and negative opinions about NHS and much more.

You can download the pdf version of the complete report for free. Enter your email at the end of this report and we’ll send it to you for FREE.

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