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In the business world, where we usually witness a lack of women-supporting policies in organizations, Clootrack is proud to stand out as a women-friendly company. 

At the global level, women still face challenges in the workplace. Pregnancy discrimination, work-life imbalance, Sexual harassment, exclusion in leadership roles, gender bias, and many such difficulties hinder women from giving their best work. Clootrack has always practiced empathy, and following the same, has come up with policies that help women perform comfortably. Let's hear from women employees about the women-friendly policies and measures at Clootrack:-

Period Leaves

Often women are not given the privilege to take rest during their periods. Clootrack supports period leaves and strongly believes that these leaves are justified. 

BhoomiBhoomi Shah, Business Solutions Architect, says, "A few months ago, Clootrack decided to give 12-period leaves every year to all female employees, and this decision was taken on the basis of anonymous Employee Feedback.” Clootrack believes in taking prompt action on employee feedback by looking at its criticality. This concern was immediately addressed and the decision was taken! “I can’t thank Clootrack enough because this is a blessing in disguise where you can simply take a period leave - ‘No questions asked.” 

Clootrack actively works on staff members' feedback to make the organization a better place to work. 

  Fung Rojee Basumatary, Senior Product Manager, says, "A few months back, Clootrack added a new leave policy called period leave. This is a huge thing for me because, generally during this time, I need rest physically as well as mentally. Now with this leave policy, I do not have to drag myself to work with pain and discomfort. Thanks to Clootrack for being inclusive."

Clootrack considers this a responsibility to take care of all working women and is immensely happy to back them.

Maternity Leave 

Clootrack is against the unfair treatment women receive during pregnancy at work. Stereotyping, change in duties, lack of growth opportunities, and pay cuts are a few common problems. To support pregnant women throughout, Clootrack equips team members with paid 6 months of maternity leave.

  Naba Ismail Ahamed, Data Analyst at Clootrack, says, "Stepping into motherhood was an exciting journey for me! With a newborn beside me 24*7, my world had changed overnight. As an employee at Clootrack, I applied for maternity leave for six months without any cut-off. I must say that the organization has been very true to its principles, especially for its personalized employee care and constant feedback on how things have been during the break."

We assist our female employees to achieve work-life balance by furnishing them with additional help. Further, Naba adds, "With the baby growing up, I realized that I needed more time to sort things at home and get a proper work-life balance. The team/HR understood my challenge, and I was granted an extension period of three months. True that I did miss work and the excitement that came with it, but I must say- these 9 months, I tended to my baby and took care of my health, and with the right financial backup with on-time payment, my maternal journey kick-started with support larger than I had imagined from my organization!!!!"

To add more, our team members can also opt for 15 days of paid paternity leave. Clootrack is flexible in making and accepting positive changes in policies that aid female staff in maintaining stability in everyday life.

Women in Leadership Roles

Clootrack believes women in leadership positions bring better value to an organization and help teams to outperform. Following this ideology, we have already embraced the notion of gender diversification in executive roles. 

  Uma Bhat, VP, Content Strategy and Analysis, says, “I do remember when I joined, I was the only woman on the leadership team. But over the years we have a higher representation of women, and Clootrack has consciously tried to bring gender diversity. I am happy there is enough encouragement and support for women to take on leadership roles.” 

We have seen Clootrack grow under the guidance of women playing crucial roles in our organization. At Clootrack, we have some very influential positions like Senior Product Manager, HR Manager, Business Solutions Architect, and Recruitment Lead held by women. We respect and praise the efforts female members of Clootrack are putting into the company's progress.

To Summarize 

  Sonam Thorat, Human Resources Manager, outlines some of Clootrack's policies that support women. She says, "Remote working comes with a lot of benefits, especially for women. Some of the policies/initiatives and benefits that we have at Clootrack are period leaves, maternity leave of 6 months, sabbatical leave for women who want to go on a break to take rest/health issues/any other reasons." 

Clootrack is trying its best to become the backbone of the professional life of women associated with us. And we will continue to come up with every possible policy that serves the best interest of the women at Clootrack.

Want to know about the remote-friendliness of Clootrack? Read this:- How Clootrack Has Become the ‘Remote-Friendly’ Company?