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A DIY tools brand reduced delivery returns using Clootrack’s CX analysis solution

Case Study Banner 01

DIY Home

Business Type





As a key player in the DIY tools sector, Brand X is renowned for its range of home improvement tools.

The brand faced high return rates due to liberal return policies of ecommerce platforms. The brand was in a dilemma as only 2% of these returned items were defective. The invisible reasons for the return of 98% made decision making and improvements impossible.

The brand had a large number of SKUs, with multiple variants for retail and commercial customers. New models were launched very often by the brand and competitors. Also, the operations were global.

Major obstacles

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Before discovering Clootrack, Brand X struggled with several issues related to customer feedback. The brand identified that the invisible reasons for returns are mentioned by customers at various touch points like return feedback, Amazon reviews, store feedback, NPS open ends and so on. Challenges arose in aggregating customer feedback across all regions from various touch points at scale. The data, even if managed to collect, was vast, noisy, and unstructured, making manual efforts and text analytics tools error-prone. Establishing a reliable and cost-effective process was difficult, complicating stakeholder buy-in for data-driven decisions.

Rewarding solution

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Clootrack aggregated customer conversations from various sources, including the brand’s website, e-commerce sites, NPS data, and return data, covering diverse regions. Using its patented methodology, Clootrack performed unbiased data analysis to generate actionable insights without human intervention. These insights were presented as easy-to-consume metrics, helping Brand X prioritize actions regularly. Additionally, AskClootrack, the platform’s co-pilot, assisted stakeholders in validating hypotheses and creating data-driven action plans.

Promising result

The brand witnessed an 18% drop in returns within a quarter. Clootrack insights resulted in following actions at rapid speed driven by consumer behavior visibility and fast stakeholder alignment.


Rapid iteration and launch of more relevant DIY self-help material on social media along with the package.

The brand identified categories where opportunities were present whenever they appeared.


Covering the right details on the e-commerce product detail page, ensuring expectations set in the right way.


More initiatives are undertaken every month with a complete alignment of stakeholders.

Want to reduce product returns?